Why You Need Flower Essences In Your Life
/Star tulip: divine feminine wisdom & intuition
What if I told you that there is something you can take that will (effortlessly) help you heal emotional patterns & wounds? That there is something that can help anything from boosting confidence, to gaining clarity, to lessening anger, to diminishing fear, to opening the heart, and so much more? Well… there is! Flower essences! Seriously, to me, flower essences are like therapy in a bottle.
Clary sage: clarity of vision
Let’s back up for a moment… What is a flower essence?
Flower essences are subtle energy medicine that work on the vibrational level, similar to music therapy, light therapy, sound healing, reiki, etc. Every plant and every flower has wisdom that it offers... energetic gifts that project onto the universe. These gifts are often discovered through meditations, channelings, deep inner knowings, or perhaps shared from another person who has worked closely with the plant. Blackberry flower essence, for example, is all about self-empowerment and manifestation. Blackberry, as a plant, is constantly spreading, rooting, fruiting, and thorny... not afraid to take up space, to make itself known, manifesting its own abundance and then producing delicious juicy purple fruits. Sometimes the medicine a plant offers is obvious, and sometimes it takes a little bit more receptivity to recognize the gifts a plant has to share.
Skunk cabbage: digging deep, clearing stagnant energy
When you take flower essences, you typically take small doses, more often, like 4 drops 4x day. The energy of the flower then becomes infused into us, and we incorporate qualities that the flower contains into our beingness. Sometimes people feel the effects of the flower essence immediately, and sometimes it takes a few weeks. Usually, 4 weeks is a good amount of time to work with a particular essence. When I am taking flower essences, I feel like I am co-creating with another being, and I really FEEL it. For others, it is a very subtle feeling, maybe not so obvious, and this is okay too. It can be very obvious to others though... When i first started making flower essences, I was drinking all of the leftover flower essence water, and I was literally giving off "flowery" vibes. I went over to my friends house, who had no idea what I had been up to, and she said, "You look different... flowery!"
Sacred path: alignment, clarity, manifesting your dreams
I can't say that flower essences are going to magically transform your life, though sometimes it feels like that to me. I can say that flower essences give you another lens to look and experience the world through. Flowers work their magic in so many ways... through their beauty, their fragrance, the way they make you feel... so infusing your body & soul with an essence of a flower is a delicious and juicy way to experience their magic anew.